Thanks for choosing the ChatZilla distribution of Hugsmile! If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact me. For more information, visit 3.0.0 - 31 December 2012 * [FIX] Solved Windows XP nickname chooser issue * [FIX] Starting ChatZilla is now cleaner than before - freenode join text hidden * [NEW] Smaller installer (5,5 MB) and installed size (12,9 MB) * [NEW] Improved Windows 8 compatibility (desktop mode) * [CHANGED] Faster and more efficient installer (internally known as V15) * [CHANGED] DCC and CEIP completely removed * [CHANGED] Menu bar and find bar was removed * [CHANGED] Futher simplified interface, removed right-to-left support * [CHANGED] Disabled logging and making directories which aren't needed 2.5.0 - 12 July 2012 * [FIX] Reported hard disk footprint was not shown in Software add/remove * [FIX] The uninstaller doesn't remove ChatZilla folder * [FIX] No desktop icon is being created on the desktop on Windows XP * [NEW] Smaller setup file (6.2 megabyte), thanks to LZMA solid compression * [NEW] Smaller install footprint (21 megabyte) * [NEW] User name can now be choosen after setup * [CHANGED] Removed Hugsmile folder and keeping only prefs.js * [CHANGED] Based on ChatZilla Portable instead of RDM Soft's ChatZilla * [CHANGED] Updated setup version to 10 (skipped 8 and 9) * [CHANGED] Moved ChatZilla to AppData for improved compatibility with Windows XP * [CHANGED] Use NSIS built-in function to create desktop icon instead of the after-installation-script * [ISSUE] Windows XP: when asked to run as current user, uncheck protection option (needed for username setting) 2.0.3 - 21 February 2012 * [FIX] The default preferences are now loaded * [NEW] Inclusion of a Hugsmile folder with the default preferences and profile info * [CHANGED] Removed ChatZilla links in the start menu * [CHANGED] Removed several comment lines to reduce the file size * [CHANGED] Updated setup version to 7 2.0.2 - 20 February 2012 * [NEW] Better end-of-installation script * [ISSUE] the uninstaller is not deleting folders in APPDATA\ChatZilla when a previous ChatZilla profile is present * [ISSUE] the uninstaller is not deleting links to ChatZilla and ChatZilla uninstaller in the start menu * [ISSUE] the installer is not copying prefs.js to the Profiles\*.default directory 2.0.1 - 18 February 2012 * [NEW] Better end-of-installation script * [ISSUE] the uninstaller is not deleting folders in APPDATA\ChatZilla * [ISSUE] the uninstaller is not deleting links to ChatZilla and ChatZilla uninstaller in the start menu * [ISSUE] the installer is not copying prefs.js to the Profiles\*.default directory. 2.0 - February 2012 * [NEW] New installer, better Windows integration 1.5.0 - 10 October 2012 * [NEW] First version publicily available Special thanks to: * ChatZilla team, who developed ChatZilla, the main component of this distribution. Icons of ChatZilla and the ChatZilla brand belongs to the original authors. Check out for more information. * Portable ChatZilla team ( * NSIS team - for making such a great installer. Please note that all files are licensed under their respective licenses. Most of the files are MPL licensed.